JetZero: Flying Towards Zero Emissions | USA

Louis E. Emery, senior counsel at Robert Wray, PLLC, interviews Rene Sagebien, general counsel at JetZero. Rene discusses some key points of what JetZero does and his role in the company.

Published on 15 July 2024
Louis E Emery, Robert Wray PLLC, Chambers expert focus contributor
Louis E. Emery
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Rene Sagebien of JetZero
Rene Sagebien
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In this fascinating interview, Rene Sagebien provides insight into his career prior to working for JetZero, an aviation company that is making waves in the industry, followed by detailing a few key aspects of his role at JetZero. He has had an interesting and varied career, and is now working in a firm and industry that he loves.

JetZero is a start-up company with a goal of significantly helping to alleviate the environmental problems caused by aviation that uses old technology with little change. The incredible designs of JetZero will not only notably carve their mark in the objective of zero emissions, but are also very futuristic when compared with the designs we are used to seeing every day in the sky.

The company themselves state on their website that aviation is currently set to “… emit more CO2 [per year] than Germany, [the] UK and South Korea combined by 2040” if we remain on the present course. Hence, like other innovative companies, JetZero is using intelligent technological developments to form a new, more positive future.

“What’s most exciting is that airlines from around the world are learning more and more about our aeroplane, and the more they learn, the more excited they get, so the commercial airlines are really supporting us.” (17:56)

With their Blended Wing design, JetZero enables 50% lower fuel burn and emissions. According to the company’s website, “The aircraft will launch in 2030, … [and has] the internal volume to accommodate zero-carbon hydrogen.” The firm is working with the US Air Force, NASA and the Federal Aviation Administration.

Amid global concerns over the environmental crisis, it is exciting to see such companies as JetZero focusing their creativity on ways to effectively solve this particular crisis that affects everyone and everything on the planet. People will not stop using aeroplanes, cars, and so on. Therefore, the only realistic solution is to implement intelligent innovation.

Robert Wray, PLLC

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