Considerations When Dealing with International Sanctions Cases

In this Expert Focus presentation, Robin Rathmell, a Washington-based partner of Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP, chats to Simon Christian, global research director at Chambers, about the issues and complexities involved in representing HNWIs who are under sanction.

Published on 15 November 2022
Robin Rathmell HNWI Kasowitz Benson Torres
Robin Rathmell

Ranked in 1 department in Chambers High Net Worth 2022: Financial Crime: High Net Worth Individuals

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"Beware snake oil salesmen."

“Beware snake oil salesmen” is one piece of advice Rob Rathmell proffers to his clients – mostly high net worth individuals – who are looking for a quick and easy way to deal with sanctions against them. As Rob explains, there is no quick-fix solution in international sanctions cases, which have become a hot topic in the legal field since the imposition of sanctions against Russian HNWIs as a direct result of the invasion of Ukraine.

"Sanctions are a blunt instrument that exists outside the traditional protection of the rules of law."

Rob explains that sanctions exist "outside the traditional protection of the rules of law" because the standards that govern sanctions are completely different from the traditional legal standards that govern criminal law or civil law cases. This, in addition to the international nature of sanctions cases, is what makes them so complex. Among other things, he discusses how important it is to understand differences – not only in the law, but in the cultural norms in different jurisdictions – when assisting clients who have been sanctioned, and the businesses or service providers who usually deal with them.

Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP

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