Ranking tables
Tax: Monterrey | Latin America
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Senior Statespeople
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Senior Statespeople
S Luis Santos TheriotSantos Elizondo S.C. | Tax: Monterrey2025 | Senior Statespeople | 10 Years RankedSenior statesperson Luis Santos Theriot benefits from a longstanding track record in the Monterrey tax arena, and normally acts as a tax adviser on corporate and transactional deals.
Band 1
1 Ricardo León SantacruzSánchez DeVanny Eseverri, S.C. | Tax: Monterrey2025 | Band 1 | 17 Years RankedRicardo León Santacruz boasts a significant practice in the Monterrey tax market. His expertise extends to transfer pricing and inbound and outbound tax planning in the context of corporate deals.
Band 2
2 César Guillermo Meraz BarbosaChevez, Ruiz, Zamarripa y Cia., S.C. | Tax: Monterrey2025 | Band 2 | 10 Years RankedCésar Guillermo Meraz Barbosa leads the firm's tax litigation department in Monterrey. He is often seen advising on the tax aspects of M&A deals. He also boasts experience in litigation before the Mexican Supreme Court.2 Enrique Iglesias ElizondoIglesias Abogados | Tax: Monterrey2025 | Band 2 | 8 Years RankedEnrique Iglesias Elizondo boasts expertise in tax law. He is admired for his longstanding specialisation in the tax field, drawing particular praise for his familiarity with the fiscal aspects of real estate transactions in Monterrey.2 Jorge Salazar CebriánBaker McKenzie | Tax: Monterrey2025 | Band 2 | 3 Years RankedSolid partner Jorge Salazar Cebrián receives effusive praise this year for his tax practice in Monterrey. He boasts notable activity in tax controversies, including audits and litigation against the tax authorities.
2 José Ramón Orendáin UrrutiaChevez, Ruiz, Zamarripa y Cia SC | Tax: Monterrey2025 | Band 2 | 2 Years RankedJosé Ramón Orendáin Urrutia obtains endorsement from clients for his established practice in the Monterrey tax market, including in tax controversies.