Ranking tables
Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use | USA
District of Columbia
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Senior Statespeople
Band 1
Band 2
All Lawyers profiles
Senior Statespeople
S Maureen DwyerGoulston & Storrs | Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use2024 | Senior Statespeople | 21 Years RankedMaureen Dwyer's longstanding practice includes the handling of zoning and permitting matters arising from retail, hospitality and office projects.
Band 1
1 Allison PrinceGoulston & Storrs | Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use2024 | Band 1 | 20 Years RankedAllison Prince is highly sought after to handle complex zoning matters. She is well equipped to deal with the land use and permitting aspects of major real estate projects.
1 Christine M ShikerHolland & Knight LLP | Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use2024 | Band 1 | 10 Years RankedChristine Shiker regularly handles zoning and land use matters for major developer clients. She also leads the firm's foreign mission land use team, which represents foreign governments in DC zoning and land use matters.
Band 2
2 Jeff UtzGoulston & Storrs | Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use2024 | Band 2 | 5 Years RankedJeff Utz routinely represents his clients in zoning, permitting and development agreements before a range of DC government boards.
2 Kyrus Lamont FreemanHolland & Knight LLP | Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use2024 | Band 2 | 4 Years RankedKyrus Lamont Freeman has developed a strong reputation for his expertise in zoning law. He has advised on zoning aspects of numerous major developments in Washington.
2 Paul TummondsGoulston & Storrs | Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use2024 | Band 2 | 12 Years RankedPaul Tummonds regularly handles the permitting, development and land use and zoning issues associated with residential, office and hotel projects.
Band 3
3 David AvitabileGoulston & Storrs | Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use2024 | Band 3 | 7 Years RankedDavid Avitabile is regularly called upon to handle zoning and land use matters for a client base including educational institutions and developers.