Ranking tables

Privacy & Data Security (Foreign Expertise) | Global


The Privacy & Data Security (Foreign Expertise) rankings table below has been designed to provide the most in-depth insights and reviews of the top ranked lawyers and law firms. The firms included in our rankings have been recommended by in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers. Our comprehensive research ensures you have all the information needed when looking to purchase legal services across USA.

All Lawyers profiles

  1. F
    Carol Umhoefer
    DLA Piper LLP (US) | Privacy & Data Security (Foreign Expertise)
    2024 | Foreign Expert | 8 Years Ranked
    Carol Umhoefer is noted for her impressive practice which spans a wide range of IT, privacy and data security issues. Dual-qualified in New York and France, she is highlighted for her extensive knowledge of GDPR matters.
  1. F
    Lothar Determann
    Baker McKenzie
    Baker McKenzie | Privacy & Data Security (Foreign Expertise)
    2024 | Foreign Expert | 13 Years Ranked
    Lothar Determann is recognized for his keen insight into European privacy legislation affecting USA-based clients. He is also well respected for his work on CCPA counseling.