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FinTech Legal (PRC Firms) | FinTech
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1 汉坤律师事务所FinTech Legal (PRC Firms)2025 | 第一级别 | 4年上榜Han Kun Law Offices has market-leading investment, private equity, corporate and capital markets departments. The firm advises FinTech clients on cross-border transactions and investments, and on the development of new products. Its clients include technology multinationals, consumer lending startups and personal finance mobile platforms.
3 大成律师事务所FinTech Legal (PRC Firms)2025 | 第三级别 | 1年上榜Dacheng Law Offices regularly advises financial institutions and technology companies on a range of FinTech mandates, covering regulatory sandboxes, cross-border regulatory compliance and digital assets.
3 中咨律师事务所FinTech Legal (PRC Firms)2025 | 第三级别 | 1年上榜Zhongzi Law Office focuses on credit and lending, advising on due diligence, compliance, financial loan disputes and general regulatory matters.