Ranking tables

Energy & Natural Resources: Mining | Global


The Energy & Natural Resources: Mining rankings table below has been designed to provide the most in-depth insights and reviews of the top ranked lawyers and law firms. The firms included in our rankings have been recommended by in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers. Our comprehensive research ensures you have all the information needed when looking to purchase legal services across Peru.

Rankings overview for Departments

Star Individuals

  1. Luis Carlos Rodrigo PradoRodrigo, Elías & Medrano Abogados

Band 1

  1. Valentín Paniagua Jara Estudio Echecopar - Member Firm of Baker McKenzie International14 Years Ranked
  2. Xennia Forno
    Xennia Forno Rubio Leguía Normand14 Years Ranked
  3. Cecilia GonzálesPayet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados
  4. Óscar BenavidesRodrigo, Elías & Medrano Abogados

Band 2

  1. Rafael Lengua
    Rafael Lengua Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría3 Years Ranked
  2. Ángel ChavezPayet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados
  3. Francisco TongRodrigo, Elías & Medrano Abogados
  4. Luis Rodríguez-MariáteguiHernández & Cía.
  5. Miyanou DufourHernández & Cía.

Band 3

  1. Alberto Delgado VenegasMiranda & Amado Abogados
  2. Diego Grisolle FontanaPetra Legal
  3. Fernando PickmannDentons
  4. Ina María Drago LudowiegCuatrecasas
  5. Lorena Tanji GarcíaHernández & Cía.
  6. Luis Felipe Huertas del PinoHernández & Cía.

Up and Coming

  1. Miguel Ángel Soto
    Miguel Ángel Soto Rubio Leguía Normand6 Years Ranked
  2. Diego PachasRodrigo, Elías & Medrano Abogados
  3. Juan Pablo MacassiHernández & Cía.
  4. Mario ChirinosDentons

All Departments profiles


Band 1

  1. Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano Abogados
    Energy & Natural Resources: Mining
    2024 | Band 1

Band 2

  1. Hernández & Cía.
    Energy & Natural Resources: Mining
    2024 | Band 2

Band 3

  1. Estudio Echecopar - Member Firm of Baker McKenzie International
    Estudio Echecopar - Member Firm of Baker McKenzie International
    Energy & Natural Resources: Mining
    2024 | Band 3 | 14 Years Ranked
    Estudio Echecopar - Baker McKenzie is a high-quality firm with an international network showing skills in a wide array of mining mandates, including administrative procedures, mining concessions and acquisitions. The team is also well equipped to handle regulatory matters and mining-related environmental permits.
  2. Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría
    Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría
    Energy & Natural Resources: Mining
    2024 | Band 3 | 12 Years Ranked
    Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría is a respected regional firm routinely retained by clients to advise on acquisitions and mining-related regulatory matters. The team is well equipped to tackle matters such as environmental permits for mining exploration, concession agreements and land use rights.
  3. Rubio Leguía Normand
    Rubio Leguía Normand
    Energy & Natural Resources: Mining
    2024 | Band 3 | 14 Years Ranked
    Rubio Leguía Normand's practice receives recognition in the mining sphere due to its work handling related mining project acquisitions and financing matters. The team offers particular skill in regulatory mandates including permits. The department is frequently sought after to advise both domestic and international players in the mining industry.

Band 4

  1. Dentons
    Energy & Natural Resources: Mining
    2024 | Band 4
  2. Miranda & Amado Abogados
    Energy & Natural Resources: Mining
    2024 | Band 4