Ranking tables

Business Intelligence & Investigations | Litigation Support


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Band 1

  1. Alvarez & Marsal
    Alvarez & Marsal
    Business Intelligence & Investigations
    2024 | Band 1 | 1 Years Ranked

    Alvarez & Marsal has a wide-spread presence across the globe. They offer an array of expertise covering but not limited to litigation consulting, forensics, eDiscovery and investigatory services. Clients ranging from financial institutions to regulatory bodies continue to take advantage of the firm's extensive experience in managing cross-border investigations.

  2. FTI Consulting
    FTI Consulting
    Business Intelligence & Investigations
    2024 | Band 1 | 1 Years Ranked

    FTI Consulting is a dominant presence across the globe for investigations work. It has multiple offices and over a hundred staff offering litigation consulting, risk advisory, forensics and investigatory services. Clients ranging from financial institutions to regulatory bodies continue to take advantage of the firm's extensive experience in managing multi-jurisdictional investigations. Additionally, several individuals at FTI are qualified to act as expert witnesses in court.