Thomas Reppe Wetting
Europe Guide 2024
Band 2 : Real Estate
Ranked in 1 Practice Areas
Band 2
Chambers Review
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Real Estate - Norway
Thomas Reppe Wetting is an outstanding practitioner with a vast amount of experience assisting with real estate fund structuring as well as portfolio transactions.
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"Thomas Reppe Wetting is very good with people. He doesn't try to pontificate. He is very smart but he doesn't have to let people know that. He is a modest and very capable lawyer."
"Thomas Reppe Wetting is extremely competent and focused on finding good solutions."
"Thomas Reppe Wetting is very good with people. He doesn't try to pontificate. He is very smart but he doesn't have to let people know that. He is a modest and very capable lawyer."
"Thomas Reppe Wetting is extremely competent and focused on finding good solutions."
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