GC Influencers
Most Influential GCs - Russia
Tatyana Sergeevna Kuznetsova of Novatek
Tatyana Kuznetsova currently serves as Director of the Legal Department at Novatek, having joined the company in 2002. She also acts as Deputy Chairman of the Management Board.
Market sources are quick to recognise her as one of the most influential general counsels in Russia, and agree that she is a skilled negotiator and manager, as well as a crucial actor in the success of the business. One commentator reports: “She is one of the most impressive GCs: tough on negotiations, she is extremely strong and one of the best lawyers.”
Another interviewee comments: “She is very strong and the success of Novatek is undisputed, she has been with the company for 20 years and has a lot of experience in engaging either foreign or Russian law firms and managing all kinds of issues.”