Sylvia Tonova focuses on the resolution of complex, high-stakes international disputes, with a particular emphasis on disputes between foreign investors and governments. Her experience spans a range of industries, including mining, oil and gas, energy and telecommunications. She has represented clients under all the major arbitration rules and advises clients on arbitration clauses, sovereign immunity, and protecting investments against political risk. Sylvia acts as both counsel and arbitrator. She is appointed to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Panel of Arbitrators and HKIAC List of Arbitrators.
Chambers describes Sylvia as "an absolutely brilliant lawyer" "who, on complex matters, has the remarkable ability to combine strategic thinking with a great attention to detail." Clients "love her business-savvy approach to disputes" (Legal 500) and describe Sylvia as an "outstanding legal counsel" (Legal 500) who "always delivers quality for the client" (Chambers).
Sylvia serves on the International Bar Association's Arbitration Committee as co-chair of the international commercial arbitration case law subcommittee. She also teaches investment treaty arbitration procedure at Roma Tre Law School.
Sylvia is dual-qualified in England and Wales and the U.S. (New York and Washington D.C.) and is a Solicitor-Advocate of the Senior Courts of England and Wales.