Practice Areas
Sidonie Fraîche-Dupeyrat is a partner in real estate law, with a focus on the residential and industrial sectors.
Sidonie Fraîche-Dupeyrat assists her clients in the transactions for investment, promotion and valorisation. Sidonie Fraîche-Dupeyrat counsels and litigates on behalf of clients in transactions involving investment, promotion and assessment of residential and industrial assets. In particular, she works in the context of the establishment and use of retirement homes, division of property ownership, sales in block or by lots, as well as renovation and recovery of industrial wasteland.
Moreover, Sidonie has developed a unique expertise regarding professionals indemnity and real estate diagnoses.
A graduate of ESSEC, she has specialist knowledge of the property sector and encourages a transactional and innovative approach to projects. Sidonie works with investors, agents, insurance companies, industry and users. A lecturer at ESSEC and the University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, she is the co-author of a work dedicated to residential leases after the ALUR law (on access to housing and urban planning).