Practice Areas
Rachel has exceptional breadth of experience in ESG issues, with particular expertise in environment, sustainability, and human rights, guiding her clients through legal and reputational challenges wherever in the world they arise. She is a member of Linklaters’ Environment & Climate Change and Crisis Response & Risk Management practices, and co-leads the firm’s Business and Human Rights practice.
Rachel has advised clients facing or anticipating regulatory investigation, investor activism, brand damage and media scrutiny in relation to a wide range of issues including product defects, adverse human rights impacts, and environmental incidents, among other things. Working in close collaboration with lawyers from the firm’s other practice areas, Rachel provides comprehensive advice on managing business risk, immediate crisis response and corporate investigations, as well as undertaking ‘lessons learned’ reviews and developing practical longer term responses and change programmes.
Rachel has a background in advising on the project development and financing aspects of energy transactions and has particular expertise in environmental, social and security issues on energy projects, including the application of international sustainability standards.