Lewis’ practice focuses on Regulatory/Administrative Law energy matters involving the electricity and oil and gas sectors including all aspects of rate applications, toll design, facilities applications, cost of capital and related matters before the Alberta Utilities Commission, the Alberta Energy Regulator and the Canada Energy Regulator. He has appeared at all levels of the Alberta courts in relation to various energy related matters both at trial and appeals, the BCUC, OEB, Manitoba PUB, the Offshore Helicopter Safety Inquiry, the Federal Court, Federal Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court of Canada. He has represented clients in arbitrations and sat as an arbitrator in relation to oil and gas and electric industry related contract disputes.
Lewis represents independent power producers, industrial & commercial customers, oil & gas producers, utilities, forest industries, industry associations, regulators, consumers and transmission companies in relation to a variety of regulatory matters. He has participated in all matters relating to the restructuring of the gas transmission and distribution sectors in Canada and the electric industry in Alberta. He was a member of the legislative drafting committee responsible for the Alberta Electric Utilities Act.