Chambers Review
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Band 4
Provided by Julia Minkowski
Julia mainly acts in business criminal law, general criminal law and business litigation, as well as in press law and art market matters.
She has developed an in-depth mastery of international cases, in particular those in English-speaking countries.
Julia Minkowski holds two Master's degrees, one in Business Law and one in General Private Law from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas. She is also a graduate of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po) and completed an exchange programme with the University of Columbia in New York.
Julia was admitted to the Paris Bar in 2006 when she joined Hervé TEMIME, before becoming a partner of TEMIME.
She used to teach at Sciences-Po.
Julia Minkowski is the co-founder and President of the Club des Femmes Pénalistes. [Club of Women Lawyers specialised in criminal defence]
She is also a member of the Association Des Avocats Pénalistes [Association of Lawyers Specialised in Criminal Defence]
She was selected by the French-American Foundation as one of the twenty French and American people aged 30 to 40 years old called on to play a major role in cooperation between France and the United States : the Young Leaders.
L’avocat était une femme (JC Lattès, 2021)
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Provided by Chambers