GC Influencers
Most Influential GCs - Global-wide
Amy Weaver of Salesforce.com, Inc
Salesforce general counsel Amy Weaver faced a considerable challenge in 2018 upon the implementation of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), with the software giant particularly exposed due to its market-leading CRM software. In addition to ensuring Salesforce itself remained compliant with the initiative, Weaver and the wider company dedicated a considerable amount of time educating its 150,000-strong customer base through face-to-face meetings and the provision of educational resources to aid their own compliance efforts. In keeping with the company’s 1-1-1 model, whereby it provides 1 percent each of its product, equity and time to philanthropic causes, Weaver is also dedicated to issues of corporate social responsibility and leads a legal team that is committed to pro bono work. She played a key role in the company’s response to efforts in the States of Indiana and Georgia to pass legislation which allegedly condoned discrimination based on sexual orientation, while also taking part in the company’s drive towards gender pay equality.