Ulloa y Asociados specializes in companies in need of all kinds of legal advice. We always put our clients first and obtain favorable results. We give you the legal expertise you need.
We are a team of professionals at the forefront of current challenges:
responsible, committed and competent in the areas of law that we perform and the services we provide, offering comprehensive solutions to our clients for the protection of their economic and social interests; based on compliance with the law, relying on the incorporation and training of professionals, virtual platforms and digital technology.
In Ulloa & Asociados we want to maintain the leadership in the provision of legal services at national and international level, developing a culture of innovation in our activities, under the scheme of integral legal services in response to the needs and requirements of the client; that allows us to participate in the productive activities of the economy, contributing with social responsibility in the growth and development of
Ulloa & Asociados, is a firm dedicated to the provision of legal and integral services in the areas of Counseling, Labor & Employment, Compliance, Management, Litigation, Notary, Registries, Resource Management and Natural Clients, is permanently committed, in an accurate and diligent manner, to satisfy the needs of the client and relevant interested parties, relying on competent professionals dedicated to the compliance of the applicable legal and technical requirements, identification of risks and opportunities; for the development of adequate solutions, through the continuous improvement of our Quality Management System.
We offer outstanding services in:
-Resource Management - It is responsible for providing services to clients who require it in the financial, accounting, tax and administrative areas.
-Counseling - We offer the following counseling services: Corporate and Commercial, Due Diligence, Treatment of Impatriates and Expatriates, Internal Audits, and Administrative Contracts.
-Tax - We provide guidance through verification and analysis, ideally preventive, of the fiscal and/or public and/or municipal tax situation.
-Natural Clients - Guidance is provided to external clients, specifically to natural clients through verification and analysis, to comply with legal and administrative requirements, either before public institutions, public/private institutions and private institutions.
-Legal Proceedings - We provide representation services before all governmental entities. Our firm is authorized by SERNA and has vast experience in the Environmental Licensing Process.
-Litigation - Our team of lawyers is trained to provide advice in all stages of litigation and legal disputes before the Courts and Tribunals in the country and abroad.
-Notary - Our team of lawyers is trained to provide advice in all stages of litigation and legal disputes before the Courts and Tribunals in the country and abroad.
-Labour & Employment - The firm provides advice on labor issues that arise within organizations directly linked to their human capital.
-Registries - Its purpose is to comply with legal requirements regarding the inscription or registration of documents, actions, private property and/or client products before Government entities.
Since December 2008, Ulloa & Asociados became the first law firm in the country to obtain the ISO 9001:2015 Certification, and is considered by our clients as the leading law firm in Honduras. Given this privileged position given to us by our clients and the demands of the market, Ulloa & Asociados has assumed the commitment to develop better ways of working that promote the efficiency and quality of our services. Thus, in 2008, our Firm undertook the challenge of becoming ISO 9001:2015 certified, a certification that is undoubtedly a differentiating element compared to our competitors. Obtaining this certification demonstrates that we have internal processes that ensure continuous improvement and a certainty, for our clients, that we work daily to meet their expectations and, therefore, that their trust placed in Ulloa & Asociados will have an important return value for their business.
Kattan Group
Industrias IMET
Atlantic Packaging
VF Corporation
Empacadora San Lorenzo
Operadora Portuaria Centroaomericana
Grupo Granjas Marinas S.A. de C.V.
Ranked Offices
Provided by Ulloa & Asociados
- Tegucigalpa21 Avenida N.O., 21 y 22 calle, PH A Colonia El Pedregal, Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazán, Honduras
- Web: www.ulloayasociados.com
- Tel: +504 2516-1133
- View ranked office
Ulloa & Asociados rankings