Firm Profile

Noewe Legal

Europe Guide 2024

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Noewe Legal

Noewe Legal

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+370 5 248 7337

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Firm Overview:

NOEWE LEGAL, LAW FIRM (PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP) is a full-service business law firm with specific expertise in the fields of Banking, Finance & Capital Markets, Corporate & Commerce, Dispute Resolution, M&A, Real Estate, Energy and Infrastructure, Public Procurement and GDPR.

NOEWE LEGAL, LAW FIRM (PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP) is acting for leading international and local companies, financial institutions, equity sponsors and funds in complex financing, regulatory, M&A, real estate and development transactions as well as take care of our clients’ everyday corporate matters.

Other niche strengths of NOEWE LEGAL, LAW FIRM (PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP) lie in the fields of:

▪ Public Procurement (including public procurement dispute resolution)

▪ GDPR, AML, KYC procedures and related dispute resolution

▪ Energy (regulatory and development matters)

▪ Dispute Resolution

▪ Insolvency, Bankruptcy and Restructuring procedures

Partners: Ernesta Žiogienė, Giedrė Dailidėnaitė, Gediminas Laucius, Marius Devyžis, Robert Juodka, Tomas Venckus, Vytautas Vičius.

Associate Partners: Andrius Lukašonokas, Ieva Bakutienė, Jonas Platelis, Lukas Kisielis, Rita Tamulytė, Sandra Pavlova.

NOEWE LEGAL, LAW FIRM (PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP) has Polish, German, Estonian and Latvian Desks offering specialist assistance to Polish, German, Estonian and Latvian companies who start or already have business in Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia, implement projects or conclude contracts with Baltic partners etc.

Services are also being providedin native languages of these countries, i.e., Polish, Estonian, German. Having deep knowledge of the Lithuanian regulatory system, understanding cultural differences and knowing the language ofthe firm's foreign clients, the firm's experienced lawyers can provide full range of customised legal services.

NOEWE LEGAL, LAW FIRM (PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP) is one of the founders of the Polish-Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce (PLCC) in Lithuania, Robert Juodka (the Managing Partner of NOEWE LEGAL, LAW FIRM (PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP) who is fluent in Polish) is also the Chairman of the Board of PLCC and is actively involved in PLCC activities promoting cross-border cooperation, strengthening business contacts and helping companies from Poland establish their business in Lithuania.

The firm is also actively involved in the activities of Estonian Chambers of Commerce in Lithuania (Managing Partner Robert Juodka is a native speaker of Estonian Language) and constantly provide legal advice to Estonian companies in Lithuania.

Office in Lithuania

Foreign help desks

Partners ranked by Chambers & Partners for 15 years

Ranked Offices

Provided by Noewe Legal

Lithuania - Head office

Noewe Legal rankings

Europe Guide 2024
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1 Department
2 Ranked Lawyers
Band 4
Giedrė Dailidėnaitė
Giedrė Dailidėnaitė
Head of Corporate/Commercial
Band 4
Robert Juodka
Robert Juodka
Band 4
Dispute Resolution
1 Department
1 Ranked Lawyer
Dispute Resolution
Dispute Resolution
Band 4
Marius Devyžis
Marius Devyžis
Head of Dispute Resolution
Band 4