Firm Details:
President: Helena Samaha
Number of countries represented worldwide: 125+
Number of member firms worldwide: 150
Number of lawyers worldwide: 23,000+
Network Overview:
Lex Mundi is the world’s leading network of independent law firms with in-depth experience in 125+ countries. Lex Mundi member firms offer clients preferred access to more than 23,000 lawyers worldwide — a global resource of unmatched breadth and depth. Each member firm is selected on the basis of its leadership in — and continued commitment to — its local market. The Lex Mundi principle is one independent firm for each jurisdiction. Firms must maintain their level of excellence to retain membership within Lex Mundi. Through Lex Mundi Equisphere, our member firms are connected via lean processes and adaptive technology to deliver consistently high-quality solutions across borders, industries and markets.
Main Areas of Practice:
All Lex Mundi member firms are top-tier, full-service business law firms and offer the full range of legal services needed by commercial clients. Additionally, member firms work frequently together to coordinate cross-border matters, transactions and disputes in any number of countries through Lex Mundi Equisphere. Guided by Lex Mundi’s seamless service guidelines, procedures and best practices, members are able to assemble unparalleled client teams to seamlessly deliver streamlined, predictable and cost-effective multijurisdictional solutions. Through Lex Mundi Equisphere, clients experience the ease of working with a single law firm while benefiting from the tremendous depth and breadth of local expertise and connections of multiple Lex Mundi member firms.
Member firms can provide seamless solutions for:
Cross-border mergers and acquisitions, global anti-corruption compliance, global data privacy and security issues, global workforce management issues and labour and employment advice, global product liability defence, multijurisdictional merger filings and competition issues, environmental due diligence and regulatory issues around the world, management and protection of intellectual property assets around the globe, and other cross-border solutions.
Member Firms:
Algeria: Bennani & Associés LLP
Anguilla: WEBSTER LP
Argentina: Marval O’Farrell Mairal
Australia: Clayton Utz
Austria: CERHA HEMPEL Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Azerbaijan: MGB Law Offices
Bahamas: McKinney, Bancroft & Hughes
Bahrain: Hassan Radhi & Associates
Bangladesh: The Legal Circle
Barbados: Clarke Gittens Farmer
Belgium: Liedekerke
Belize: Barrow & Williams LLP
Bolivia: C.R. & F. Rojas - Abogados
Brazil: Demarest Advogados
British Virgin Islands: O’Neal Webster
Bulgaria: Penkov, Markov & Partners
Cambodia: Bun & Associates
- Alberta, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
- British Columbia, Farris LLP
- Manitoba, Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP
- New Brunswick, McInnes Cooper
- Newfoundland, McInnes Cooper
- Nova Scotia, McInnes Cooper
- Ontario, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
- Prince Edward Island, McInnes Cooper
- Québec, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Cayman Islands: Walkers
Chile: Claro & Cia., Abogados
China: JunHe LLP
Colombia: Brigard Urrutia
Costa Rica: Facio & Cañas
Croatia: Divjak, Topić, Bahtijarević & Krka Law Firm
Curacao: VANEPS
Cyprus: Chrysostomides Advocates & Legal Consultants
Czech Republic: PRK Partners
Denmark: Kromann Reumert
Dominican Republic: Pellerano & Herrera
Ecuador: Pérez Bustamante & Ponce
Egypt: Shalakany Law Office
El Salvador: Romero Pineda & Asociados
Estonia: COBALT Law Firm
Finland: Roschier, Attorneys Ltd.
France: Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I.
Germany: Noerr
Ghana: Bentsi-Enchill, Letsa & Ankomah
Greece: Zepos & Yannopoulos
Grenada: Grant, Joseph & Co.
Guatemala: Mayora & Mayora, S.C.
Guernsey: Mourant
Guyana: Hughes, Fields & Stoby
Honduras: GUFA LAW
Hong Kong: Deacons
Hungary: Lakatos Köves & Partners
Iceland: LOGOS Legal Services
India: Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co.
Indonesia: ABNR Counsellors at Law
Ireland: Arthur Cox
Israel: S. Horowitz & Co.
Italy: Chiomenti
Jamaica: Myers, Fletcher & Gordon
Japan: Nishimura & Asahi (GKJ)
Jersey: Mourant
Korea: Lee & Ko
Latvia: Ellex Klavins
Lebanon: Moghaizel Law Office
Liechtenstein: Marxer & Partner
Lithuania: Ellex Valiunas
Luxembourg: Arendt & Medernach
Macau: MdME Lawyers
Malaysia: Skrine
Malta: Ganado Advocates
Mexico: Basham, Ringe y Correa, S.C.
Morocco: Bennani & Associés LLP
Namibia: Koep & Partners\
Nepal: Pradhan & Associates
Netherlands: Houthoff
New Zealand: Simpson Grierson
Nicaragua: Alvarado y Asociados
Nigeria: Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie
Northern Ireland: Arthur Cox
Norway: Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS
Oman: Said Al Shahry & Partners (SASLO)
Pakistan: RIAA Barker Gillette
Panama: Arias, Fábrega & Fábrega
Paraguay: Peroni Sosa Tellechea Burt & Narvaja
Peru: Estudio Olaechea
Philippines: Romulo Mabanta Buenaventura Sayoc & de los Angeles
Poland: Wardyński & Partners
Portugal: Morais Leitão Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados
Qatar: Sultan Al-Abdulla & Partners
Romania: Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen
Saudi Arabia: Law Firm of Mohamed Al-Sharif
Scotland: Burness Paull LLP
Serbia: JPM Jankovic, Popovic Mitic
Singapore: Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP
Slovak Republic: Čechová & Partners
Slovenia: ŠELIH & PARTNERJI Law Firm
South Africa: Bowmans
Spain: Uría Menéndez
Sri Lanka: D. L. & F. De Saram
St. Kitts & Nevis: Kelsick, Wilkin & Ferdinand
St. Lucia: Floissac, Du Boulay & Thomas
Sweden: Advokatfirman Vinge KB
Switzerland: Pestalozzi
Taiwan: Tsar & Tsai Law Firm
Thailand: Tilleke & Gibbins
Trinidad and Tobago: Hamel-Smith
Tunisia: Bennani & Associés LLP
Turkey: Pekin Attorney Partnership
Turks & Caicos Islands: Misick & Stanbrook
Uganda: AF Mpanga
Ukraine: Asters
United Arab Emirates: Afridi & Angell
Uruguay: Guyer & Regules
- Alabama, Maynard Nexsen
- Arizona, Snell & Wilmer
- Arkansas, Rose Law Firm, a Professional Association
- California, Morrison & Foerster LLP
- Colorado, Davis Graham
- Connecticut, Harris Beach Murtha
- Delaware, Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A.
- District of Columbia, Steptoe LLP
- Florida, Akerman LLP
- Guam, Blair Sterling Johnson & Martinez P.C.
- Hawaii, Case Lombardi & Pettit
- Idaho, Hawley Troxell
- Illinois, Jenner & Block LLP
- Indiana, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
- Kansas, Foulston Siefkin LLP
- Kentucky, Stites & Harbison, PLLC
- Louisiana, Jones Walker LLP
- Maine, Bernstein Shur
- Massachusetts, Foley Hoag LLP
- Michigan, Butzel
- Minnesota, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
- Mississippi, Butler Snow LLP
- Montana, Crowley Fleck PLLP
- Nebraska, Baird Holm LLP
- New Hampshire, Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green PA
- New Jersey, Day Pitney LLP
- North Carolina, Womble Bond Dickinson
- Ohio, Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP
- Oklahoma, Crowe & Dunlevy
- Pennsylvania, Troutman Pepper Locke LLP
- Puerto Rico, McConnell Valdés LLC
- South Carolina, Wyche, P.A.
- Tennessee, Bass, Berry & Sims PLC
- Texas, Baker Botts L.L.P.
- US Virgin Islands, Dudley, Topper and Feuerzeig, LLP
- Utah, Ray Quinney & Nebeker P.C.
- Wisconsin, Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
Venezuela: LEĜA
Ranked Offices
Provided by Lex Mundi
- Houston840 Gessner, Suite 275 , Houston, Texas, USA, TX 77024
- Tel: +1 713 626 9393
- Fax: +1 713 626 9933
Lex Mundi rankings