Firm Profile


Global Guide 2025

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Contact number

+52 55 5201 7400

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Provided by Affinitas

Chair: Juan Luis Avendaño

Firms: 4

Countries: Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru

Number of partners: 108

Number of lawyers: + 470

Practice areas: 21

Firm Overview 

Since 2004 Affinitas has been a closely knitted team of top tier law firms in the countries of the Pacific Alliance. Barros & Errázuriz in Chile, Gómez-Pinzón in Colombia, Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes in Mexico, and Miranda & Amado in Peru. Each firm is considered a true market leader in its respective jurisdiction. Affinitas offers clients seamless and integrated legal services delivered by outstanding independent firms that work as one. The current four member firms have been working together for 16 years, forging friendships, deep professional relationships and a unique sense of community. This is not a loose alliance or referral network. The member firms share a very similar culture based on meritocracy, commitment to client service and an unwavering focus on quality.

The Affinitas alliance gives an edge to international clients entering a region where navigating the institutional and regulatory landscape is key to the success of their business ventures.

Affinitas offers integrated legal solutions to multinational companies entering the Latin American market. Affinitas’ strong regional footprint is relevant to corporate clients, financial institutions and global law firms active in the region, in particular for the “Multilatinas” with regional presence or expansion plans.

Main Areas Of Practice: 

■ Arbitration & Dispute Resolution

■ Banking and Finance

■ Capital Markets

■ Competition & Antitrust

■ Compliance & Corporate Governance

■ Corporate and M&A

■ Energy & Natural Resources

■ Environment

■ Infrastructure

■ Innovation & Entrepreneurship

■ Insurance

■ Intellectual Property

■ Labour & Employment

■ Mining

■ Pro Bono

■ Public Law

■ Real Estate & Hospitality

■ Restructuring & Insolvency

■ Tax

■ Technology, Media & Telecommunications

■ White-Collar Crime


Affinitas Chile (Barros & Errázuriz)  


Santiago: 2939 Isidora Goyenechea, 10th Floor, Las Condes

Tel: +56 2 2378 8900

Email: [email protected]

Affinitas Colombia (Gómez-Pinzón)  


Bogotá: 67 Street, No. 7-35, Ofc. 1204, COL 110231

Tel: +57 1 319 2900

Email: [email protected]

Affinitas Mexico (Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes)  


Mexico City: 540 Javier Barros Sierra, 4th Floor, Park Plaza I - Santa Fe, 01210

Tel: +52 55 5201 7400

Email: [email protected]

Affinitas Peru (Miranda & Amado)  


Lima: 1301 Larco Avenue, 19th Floor Torre Parque Mar, Miraflores

Tel: +51 1 610 4747

Email: [email protected]

Ranked Offices

Provided by Affinitas

Mexico - Head office

Affinitas rankings

Global Guide 2025
Latin America-wide
Leading Regional Law Firm Networks
1 Department
Leading Regional Law Firm Networks
Leading Regional Law Firm Networks
Band 1

Articles, highlights and press releases

2 items provided by Affinitas