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Chambers Expert Focus | Banking and Finance

Leading lawyers and legal professionals across Banking and Finance share insights into the legal areas of banking regulation, securitisation and investment funds, providing a unique view of the legal space and insights for those looking for the key stories driving the area forward.


Frank Hong of Longan Law Firm discusses Letters of Credit as used against the backdrop of Dual Circulation and RMB internationalisation.

Frank Hong | Longan Law Firm
Frank Hong | Longan Law Firm

In what circumstances can obligations arising under a deed of hypothecation be classified as a contract of guarantee under Section 126 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872?

Vatsala Rai
Bharat Makkar | AZB & Partners
Vatsala Rai, Bharat Makkar | AZB & Partners

The role of the court and the the frameworks for winding up and receivership of segregated portfolios in the Cayman Islands.

Harry Shaw
Matheo Vincuillo | Campbells LLP
Harry Shaw, Matheo Vincuillo | Campbells LLP

Trade finance in China and what the country is doing with respect to it.

Frank Hong | Longan Law Firm
Frank Hong | Longan Law Firm

Letters of Credit and Letters of Indemnity and refer to the decision on a relevant case in Singapore.

Pierre Dzakpasu
Anne Jesudason | Mayer Brown
Pierre Dzakpasu, Anne Jesudason | Mayer Brown

Public–private partnerships in the GCC with respect to business and strategic growth.

Karim Fawaz
Mirko Olmos | AX Law
Karim Fawaz, Mirko Olmos | AX Law

The legalities surrounding the distribution of dividends in Cyprus.

Kyriacos Scordis
Omiros Klappis | Scordis, Papapetrou & Co LLC
Kyriacos Scordis, Omiros Klappis | Scordis, Papapetrou & Co LLC

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The extent to which the exchange of information between competitors could constitute a restriction of competition by object, which is prohibited by EU competition law.

Aude Guyon
Pauline Klein | Fiducial Legal by Lamy
Aude Guyon, Pauline Klein | Fiducial Legal by Lamy

The key takeaways from the recent decisions of the courts/tribunals of India which examined the nature of financial instruments to extend the remedies under the Indian insolvency regime.

Vatsala Rai
Sushrut Garg | AZB & Partners
Vatsala Rai, Sushrut Garg | AZB & Partners

Mariano Gomezperalta and Paulina Acevedo Calle of Robert Wray PLLC compare guarantee trusts with traditional security interests in terms of costs and risks.

Mariano Gomezperalta
Paulina Acevedo Calle | Robert Wray PLLC
Mariano Gomezperalta, Paulina Acevedo Calle | Robert Wray PLLC

Taxation surrounding high-net-worth individuals investing their money within Switzerland.

Caroline L. Goette
Fouad G. Sayegh | Walder Wyss Ltd
Caroline L. Goette, Fouad G. Sayegh | Walder Wyss Ltd

STAR trusts, including references to relevant cases and where enforcers of STAR trusts can turn when faced with difficult decisions in need of assistance.

Aleisha Brown | Campbells
Aleisha Brown | Campbells

The difficulties faced by countries such as China that have been existing in the shadow of the US dollar in particular.

Frank Hong | Longan Law Firm
Frank Hong | Longan Law Firm

An in-depth look at the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), a European Union initiative aimed at mitigating the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Evi Dimitropoulou
Danai Lantzou |  KLC Law Firm
Evi Dimitropoulou, Danai Lantzou | KLC Law Firm

Join Michael C. Rakower of Rakower Law PLLC as he demystifies SPAC litigation.

Michael C. Rakower | Rakower Law PLLC
Michael C. Rakower | Rakower Law PLLC

The impact of DORA on third-party service providers in the field of ICT, and the actions they should take prior to implementation.

Michał Ćwiakowski
Maciej Gawroński | GP Partners
Michał Ćwiakowski, Maciej Gawroński | GP Partners

How the the challenges faced by evergreen funds in China have prevented their widespread adoption.

Lu Ran
Min Luo | Han Kun Law Offices
Lu Ran, Min Luo | Han Kun Law Offices

Explore recent developments in the financing of the transition to carbon neutrality in Japan, as well as regulatory discussion of the subject.

Yasuyuki Kuribayashi
Yuko Toyoda | City-Yuwa Partners
Yasuyuki Kuribayashi, Yuko Toyoda | City-Yuwa Partners

Why the economic security implications of foreign investments remain a key concern in France.

Aude Guyon
Pauline Klein | Fiducial Legal by Lamy
Aude Guyon, Pauline Klein | Fiducial Legal by Lamy

Exploring the “Make More in America” initiative – the Export-Import Bank’s new programme to move into the domestic finance realm.

Louis E Emery | Robert Wray PLLC
Louis E Emery | Robert Wray PLLC

How obstacles to the cross-border provision of financial services can be removed without harmonising legal systems.

Dr Kaspar Landolt | CMS Switzerland
Dr Kaspar Landolt | CMS Switzerland

A discussion of debt restructuring with respect to Italian football clubs.

Giorgio Vagnoni
Fausto Consolo | LAWP Studio Legale e Tributario
Giorgio Vagnoni, Fausto Consolo | LAWP Studio Legale e Tributario

The applications and uses of digital currency in Japan and the legalities surrounding it.

Izuru Goto
Kenta Ikebe | City-Yuwa Partners
Izuru Goto, Kenta Ikebe | City-Yuwa Partners

The implications of the Financial Services Commission's ban on short selling in Korea until June 2024.

Jun Kim
Ji Ho Park | Yoon & Yang LLC
Jun Kim, Ji Ho Park | Yoon & Yang LLC

Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of fixed and floating charges from the point of view of a lender.

Anu Matikola
Jason Barbe | Bowmans
Anu Matikola, Jason Barbe | Bowmans