Provided by Yulchon LLC
Yulchon's Tax Practice has approximately 100 tax experts, including experienced attorneys, CPAs with substantial Big 4 Accounting Firm experience, and tax attorneys and customs experts who formerly worked for National Tax Service, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Korea Customs Office and Tax Tribunal.
Yulchon’s Tax Group provides full legal services to give solutions to clients from tax planning to acquisition of authoritative rulings, examination of and response to tax investigations, appealing to the tax tribunal, and tax litigation. Also, the Group provides comprehensive legal services on tax controversy matters through an exclusive team organized within the Group to support foreign enterprises investing in Korea and Korean enterprises investing overseas.
- Tax Litigation & Dispute Resolution: the highest court appeals win rate in Korea
- Domestic Tax Advisory: the best client-focuses service
- International Tax Advisory: maximize client satisfaction by providing a full range of legal services on international taxation
- Tax Legislation Advisory & Request for Tax Rulings: provide high-quality services to large domestic and multinational clients seeking tax rulings and amendments to Korea’s tax statutes and regulations
- Pre-Audit & Tax Audit Defense: total integrated solution for its clients facing tax audits in Korea
- Customs: full range of legal services in customs and trade matters