
Provided by Walker Morris LLP

Our Disputes Lawyers have wide ranging expertise in professional negligence claims and works across a variety of sectors advising clients on disputes involving accountants, auditors, actuaries, trustees, solicitors, brokers, financial advisers, surveyors, architects and engineers.
Our clients come to us knowing that our expertise and experience means we can guide them through what can seem like a daunting process. We understand that every client is different and we tailor our approach to ensure that the way we work is right for them.

We’re particularly experienced in advising financial institutions and corporates on the claimant’s side in bringing claims against professionals providing services to those organisations

Alongside this, we’ve had success with claims involving breach of trust, breach of fiduciary duty and breach of warranty of authority against solicitors and other advisers.

Our subject matters specialists in areas such as…. Pensions, Real Estate, M&A, Banking, Tax and IT, work with our Disputes Resolution Team in pursuing professional negligence claims.

Ranked Lawyers at
Walker Morris LLP

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North East & Yorkshire

Professional Negligence

Gwendoline Davies
Gwendoline Davies
Band 3


Provided by Walker Morris LLP