Provided by VBSO Advogados
Due to the wide experience of our partners representing financial institutions and corporations in Capital Markets operations, both in stock market and over-the-counter market, the firm has deep experience in consulting the applicable regulation and in the advisory focused on the structuring of debt and capital instruments. We are best known by our technical expertise, agility and deal making orientation.
Among those instruments, we highlight our performance in public and private issuances of promissory notes, debentures (including infrastructure debentures), shares, subscription bonus, investment funds quotas, bank credit bills and securitization operations involving, above all, real estate and agricultural business receivable certificates.
This year, our department was ranked in first place by Uqbar (a very well-regarded Brazilian securitization ranking) in issuance of FIDC (Receivables Investment Fund) and CRA (Agribusiness Receivables Certificates) in volume and number of operations, and third place for CRI (Real Estate Receivables Certificates). This ranking refers to transactions advised in 2022.
In addition, in line with is vocation to innovation, our department has stood out as the main reference in the country in advising on operations involving the issuance of tokens and the use of blockchain in the capital market, being at the forefront of discussions on the regulation of the subject in Brazil.