Provided by Trench Rossi Watanabe
Trench Rossi Watanabe assists its clients in keeping their business competitive through innovative and strategic employment initiatives.
Our employment practice focus on prevention and advisory, applying the best global business standards, and is highly qualified in advising clients on all the employment and compensation related matters, in compliance with laws, including from a social security and health and safety perspectives. The team also has wide experience in the review of employees' and executives' policies and plans, whether short or long term, including equity pay, and international engagements and transfer of employees, also covering related immigration aspects. The team is also extremely qualified to assist in collective bargaining with unions of various sectors.
In labor litigation, our firm’s experienced professionals act in individual disputes, class/collective actions, and public-interest civil cases filed by the Prosecution Office. The team is known by the high success rate in disputes, with exceptionally strong performance in preparatory proceedings and public civil investigations filed by the Labor Prosecution Office (MPT), or cases initiated by the Regional Superintendence of Labor and Employment (SRTE).