Provided by Torres Plaz & Araujo
The tax practice at our firm includes providing financial and accounting analysis services, backed by the most up-to-date interpretation of legal and accounting regulations – applicable to our clients in the proper performance of their tax obligations in their day-to-day activities; observation of formal duties; financial optimization of tax impact on business structuring and new projects; expert and strategic support in audits and legal processes.
We provide assistance to the taxpayers in assessment, audit and other procedures by the national, state or municipal tax administration and parafiscal entities. We further assist with the filing of both administrative and judicial appeals before the competent bodies of the various regions of the country.
As part of our distinguished activity, the firm has a prominent trajectory in the contentious-tax area, allowing us to provide comprehensive advice in verification and assessment processes, or any action by the national, state or municipal tax administration and parafiscal entities, and file administrative or judicial appeals before the competent bodies of the various regions of the country, and file other actions and means of opposition before the Supreme Court.
The distinguished professionals at our firm have renowned experience reaching settlements with the tax administrations and with reconciliations and other dispute settlement mechanisms established by Venezuelan law.