Provided by Tinoco Travieso Planchart & Núñez
The Tax Department offers expertise in areas including: (i) opinions, advice and consultations, (ii) strategic tax planning, and (iii) administrative and judicial appeals, serving multinationals, financial institutions, private equity funds, among others. In this respect, we:
- Issue opinions on the interpretation, application and benefits of international treaties for the avoidance of double taxation, customs duties and their special regimes, rates, national taxes, special and parafiscal contributions, municipal taxes.
- Advise on compliance with tax formalities, and in particular with the legal review of income tax returns, determination of withholdings, applications for tax benefits, and payment of taxes in instalments.
- Provide legal advice on compliance with all matters relating to parafiscal contributions.
- Prepare and process tax consultations addressed to the tax authorities to minimise potential tax risks and avoid penalties and contradictory decisions.
- Study and develop efficient organisational structures to defer, minimise, or eliminate the overall tax impact of a particular transaction or series of transactions.
- Assist in the due diligence process of acquisitions and mergers.
- Prepare and file administrative and judicial appeals, including amparo actions, related to any tax assessment, adjustment, sanction, act or measure.
- Exercise nullity actions for unconstitutionality and illegality of tax acts and regulations.