Provided by Tepedino, Berezowski e Poppa Advogados
We are composed of a lean team, formed by members with solid legal formation and extensive experience in the practice of law, and we do not act in massified litigation, but only in those that demand unusual solutions and involve high challenges.
Due to our extensive experience with judicial and arbitration litigation, the firm has also developed a rich consulting practice involving these topics, with a distinguished practice before banks and investment funds interested in investing in litigious claims. In this area, we produce legal opinions, evaluate and develop strategies, follow up or assume the conduction of causes that have financing or investment from third parties. In addition, we also advise clients in various operations that involve, to some extent, risks related to the contentious area, acting in pre-litigation consulting, negotiations and mediations.
Our headquarter is in São Paulo, where the firm has a strong presence. But we also have extensive experience before the Courts of other states, including with the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) and the Federal Supreme Court (STF).
The firm is currently listed in Band 2 of the Chambers and Partners ranking for Dispute Resolution: Litigation, being the only one among those listed in the first two bands with 20 members or less.