
Provided by Snellman Advokatbyrå AB

Snellman has unrivalled experience of complex public procurements, including competitive dialogues. A contracting party may be forced to rearrange the tender procedure, change its procurement decision, pay financial compensation or be rejected completely if it does not follow the tender invitation to the letter. With advice from our team these pitfalls and other procedural errors can be avoided. We advise on complex procurements and also support companies in tender procedures by outlining strategies, preparing bids, and assisting in contract negotiations. We have represented clients in more than 100 public procurement court proceedings, placing us as the leading practice in the Nordic region.

Hannes Snellman also has substantial experience of PPP projects, as part of our Infrastructure & Energy practice.

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Snellman Advokatbyrå AB

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Public Procurement

Joakim Lavér
Joakim Lavér
Head of Public Procurement
Band 1


Provided by Snellman Advokatbyrå AB

Joakim Lavér

Joakim Lavér

Head of Department