
Provided by Sánchez DeVanny Eseverri, S.C.

Our Real Estate, Infrastructure and Hospitality practice provides legal advice to Mexican and international developers, hospitality groups, and investors in general in several areas, including real estate acquisition, sale, lease and financing, both public (including CKD’s,
FIBRAS and other investment vehicles and public companies) and private, through financial institutions, and in connection with the development, construction, administration and operation of real estate through diverse legal structures, including the legal set-up of investment vehicles for said purposes and all legal and regulatory aspects related to investment and strategic transactions in the real estate, commercial,hospitality and industrial sector.

Likewise,our group of specialists provides advice on compliance with land-use regulation, urban development and zoning, contracting of public and private services, and obtaining different types of permits and licenses,including permits for drilling and exploitation of water wells. Additionally, our specialists have experience in legal analysis and advice on the
transformation and modification of communal property regimes (régimen de propiedad de inmuebles ejidales), obtaining government subsidies and permits, and participating in public tenders for the exploitation of natural resources, acquisition and operation of real estate in the hospitality sector, incorporation of condominium regimes, and time share and fractional property.

Ranked Lawyers at
Sánchez DeVanny Eseverri, S.C.

Provided by Chambers
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Real Estate

Rafael Villamar Ramos
Rafael Villamar Ramos
Band 3
Diego Gómez Haro
Diego Gómez Haro
Band 4


Provided by Sánchez DeVanny Eseverri, S.C.

Alfredo Villarreal

Diego Gómez-Haro Katznelson

Head of Department

José Miguel Ortíz

Rafael Villamar Ramos

Rafael Villamar Ramos

Head of Department


Provided by Sánchez DeVanny Eseverri, S.C.

Aerospace and Aviation



