
Provided by RWK Goodman

RWK Goodman's Somerset-based Personal Injury team inform and advise clients on how to claim compensation for personal injury, to improve the quality of life not only for the client but for their families too. The team’s solicitors maintain lifelong relationships with their clients, and specialise in dealing with all forms of personal injury.

The team, led by Louise Hart, deals with several areas of niche catastrophic work.  

Partner Stuart Brazington is a recognised industry leader in brain and spinal injury work. Partner Louise Hart is renowned for her expertise in acting for clients suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), chronic pain and limb loss. Partner Mark Hambleton has developed a niche practice in acting for cyclists,  individuals injured in accidents caused by animals, and clients who sustained injuries whilst in care.  Partner Jennifer Seavor and Senior Associate Laura Wilkinson specialise in asbestos-related compensation claims.

Our team treats all claims individually with an understanding and compassionate approach. We’ll represent you on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ agreement and make sure you get the best compensation available.

Ranked Lawyers at
RWK Goodman

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South West

Personal Injury: Mainly Claimant

Stuart Brazington
Stuart Brazington
Band 1
Louise Hart
Louise Hart
Band 3
Mark Hambleton
Mark Hambleton
Band 3


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Provided by RWK Goodman

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