
Provided by Payne Hicks Beach LLP

Payne Hicks Beach protects clients’ rights and reputations through our extensive experience in the laws of defamation, privacy, data protection, breach of confidence and harassment.

Our lawyers have been involved in ground-breaking cases that have led to some of the most significant developments in this area. We know how the media works and the importance of moving quickly and strategically to protect our clients.

We act for high net worth individuals, entrepreneurs, company owners and directors on cases that encompass a wide range of circumstances and situations. We stop and shape stories before publication and broadcast to remove false allegations as well as private and confidential information through negotiation, court action and securing injunctions when necessary. We represent clients in High Court litigation and we have worked in a number of leading cases in the fields of defamation, privacy and breach of confidence, as well as claims that involve issues of phone-hacking, data theft and cyber security.

We also limit unfair damage to reputation by preventing the further spread of allegations and information, removing false or private information from the internet and exposing anonymous publishers including on social media. We also protect those who are being harassed, stalked or blackmailed and who are the victims of data breaches and cyber-crime. 

We act discretely and sensitively to understand the issues clients face and solve them as quickly as possible.

Ranked Individuals at
Payne Hicks Beach LLP

Provided by Chambers
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Defamation/Reputation Management: High Net Worth

Dominic Crossley
Dominic Crossley
Head of Defamation/Reputation Management: High Net Worth
Band 1
Hanna Basha
Hanna Basha
Band 2
Andrew Willan
Andrew Willan
Up and Coming


Provided by Payne Hicks Beach LLP

Dominic Crossley

Dominic Crossley

Head of Department

Lucas Moore

Nataly Tedone

Nick Grant