Provided by Palacios & Asociados / Sercomi
Counseling, advice, analysis and opinion for all areas of intellectual property (among these: patents, trademarks, designs, copyright, related rights, test data, new technologies) and what is related to the regulation of conduct in the market (unfair competition).
The Firm is a pioneer in the effective application of the protection of test data, "patent linkage", in the coordination and legal management of portfolios of distinctive signs (brands and other signs) and other categories protected locally and internationally.
Palacios & Asociados / Sercomi permanently has technical professionals (chemists, engineers and pharmacists) on its team, providing specialized support in the areas of patents, industrial designs and utility models, as well as regulatory aspects.
Our experience in coordinating services with an international scope is recognized. Our services are also contracted by international organizations with an interest in IP, who see in our experience and practical knowledge of IP. at the regional level, a valuable element to support training, updating, analysis and proposal processes. Professionals from our Firm have participated in projects and analysis on the state of intellectual property in Central American countries, in programs sponsored by the European Union, USAID, USPTO, SIECA and local projects for the IDB, World Bank, WIPO .