Provided by Ortiz Abogados Tributarios
The firm provides national and international businesses prompt, strategic and high quality consulting services, litigation and comprehensive advisory in national and international tax matters.
Regardless of the size of the cliente or complexity of the issue, the firm is commited in providing personalised, strategic, and timely services, with an immediate response to every client's request or concern.
The firm’s tax controversy and litigation practice consists in defending its clients against tax credit assessments and resolutions opposing their interests issued by the tax authorities. Such resolutions include refusals to refund any amot that belongs to them or other determinations that harm taxpayers’ interests.
The firm represents clients before the Tax public mediator, in order to achieve a settlement with the authorities.
Recently the firm has advised multinational companies in the beverage, retail, tech, tourism, pharaceutical and infrastructure industries, among others, in cases regarding the tax effects of their business models, corporate and credit restructures, refund of unduly withheld tax according to Double Taxation Treaties, the application of NOLs, non tax activities for VAT purposes, maquila services and transfer pricing audits and assessments, with positive outcomes for the companies involved.