
Provided by Miller Thomson LLP

Miller Thomson’s Labour and Employment Group provides employers with practical and strategic support to assist  management in making sound decisions, consistent with applicable federal and provincial labour relations and employment law and best practices. While we are effective advocates for the interests of our clients before the courts, arbitrators and labour relations and employment tribunals, we also assist clients with risk mitigation through proactive advice, management training and policy development. Our expertise includes traditional labour and employment law services, plus specialized advice in many areas, including human rights, occupational health and safety (including workplace harassment), pay equity, accessibility, workers’ compensation, and pensions and benefits.

Our Group assists employers in anticipating and preparing for opportunities and challenges as the workplace and the legal landscape evolve. We provide the strategic planning, advice and day-to-day legal assistance to address the wide range of challenges and initiatives our clients face. With our in-depth expertise, we are able to anticipate potential problems, suggest proactive approaches and recognize the immediate and long‑term impact of available solutions.

Ranked Lawyers at
Miller Thomson LLP

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Employment & Labour

Lisa Goodfellow
Lisa Goodfellow
Band 3
Hugh R Dyer
Hugh R Dyer
Band 4


Provided by Miller Thomson LLP

Andre Nowakowski

Christine O'Donohue

Dirk Van de Kamer

Lisa Goodfellow

Michelle MacGillivray

Seann McAleese