Provided by Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice
We are particularly active in conducting mergers related to transactions between large Brazilian companies, cross-border transactions reported simultaneously in several countries, and also in transactions involving regulated markets that require articulation and coordination with CADE and other regulatory agencies involved. In many of these cases, our work starts long before the operations are reported, with participation in structuring such transactions to identify potential antitrust risks and develop customized structures to mitigate them.
In the area of investigation into anticompetitive conduct, we have partaken in virtually all important cases analyzed by CADE, including major international investigations replicated in Brazil in recent years. In this context, we have a recognized history of successful defenses and have also represented clients in many negotiations of settlements agreeing to cease certain practices and leniency agreements. In addition, we have advised numerous clients (often market leaders and major equity holders in their industries) in the design of innovative business models, thereby assessing the relevant antitrust risks and assisting in the proper structuring of these businesses.
Finally, we provide support to our clients in litigation involving issues of economic law and prepare studies and opinions in these areas to support our clients’ growth and innovation strategies.