
Provided by Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

As one of the largest German law firms, Luther has a renowned team of specialized and experienced lawyers. The main focus of the energy law team is on advising energy suppliers and energy-intensive manufacturing industries on energy industry and regulatory law, energy contract law, renewable energy law under the EEG, combined heat and power law under the KWKG and energy antitrust law.

In addition to excellent legal knowledge, Luther’s energy lawyers have the necessary industry knowledge, technical know-how and political understanding to successfully advise their clients. They know innovative business models of new providers in the field of e-mobility and sector coupling as well as the "classical" business models of energy suppliers and industrial customers.

Luther advises its clients before national authorities such as the Federal Network Agency, the Federal Cartel Office and the BAFA as well as the European regulatory authority ACER or the EU Commission. Luther’s excellent litigation competence before state courts and arbitration tribunals is widely recognized. For projects with an international dimension, Luther has an international network of law firms focusing on the energy sector.

Luther’s clients include integrated energy supply companies, energy trading companies, transmission and distribution network operators, wholesale and retail suppliers, energy-intensive industrial companies, banks and financial investors as well as project developers in the energy sector.

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Energy - Germany

Band 2

What the Team is Known For

Luther is well placed as a domestic law firm to advise on regulatory and transactional energy mandates across Germany. Luther is recognised for its regulatory expertise, often handling complex litigation, administrative proceedings and arbitration in connection with coal and nuclear phase-outs, plant shutdowns and EEG surcharge claims. Mandates related to planning law and emissions trading are also handled by the practice. Furthermore, the team has a strong focus on advising on renewable energy projects and the development of joint ventures. Additionally, clients benefit from the law firm's expertise in the sale and acquisition of conventional and novel energy assets. Luther is particularly sought after by prominent multinational energy giants.

Wofür das Team bekannt ist

Luther ist als deutsche Kanzlei gut aufgestellt, um bei regulatorischen und transaktionalen Energiemandaten in ganz Deutschland zu beraten. Luther ist bekannt für ihre regulatorische Expertise und betreut häufig komplexe Rechtsstreitigkeiten, Verwaltungsverfahren und Schiedsverfahren im Zusammenhang mit Kohle- und Atomausstiegen, Anlagenstilllegungen und Ansprüchen auf EEG-Umlage. Auch Mandate im Zusammenhang mit dem Planungsrecht und dem Emissionshandel werden von der Praxis bearbeitet. Darüber hinaus hat das Team einen starken Fokus auf die Beratung von Projekten im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien und die Entwicklung von Joint Ventures. Darüber hinaus profitieren die Mandanten von der Expertise der Kanzlei beim Verkauf und Erwerb von konventionellen und neuartigen Energieanlagen. Luther ist vor allem bei prominenten multinationalen Energieriesen gefragt.

Work Highlights

Provided by Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

  • Luther acted for Sunrock on its EUR100 million solar plant portfolio financing, providing both energy and corporate law advice to the photovoltaic systems developer.

  • Luther vertrat Sunrock bei der Finanzierung des Solaranlagenportfolios in Höhe von 100 Millionen Euro und beriet den Photovoltaik-Systementwickler sowohl energie- als auch gesellschaftsrechtlich.


Provided by Chambers

Notable Practitioners

Provided by Chambers

Holger Stappert
Holger Stappert
Band 1

Holger Stappert stands out for his excellence in the regulatory energy world. Based in Düsseldorf, he is appreciated for his strength in a plethora of mandates ranging from REMIT proceedings and gas price disputes to energy storage and construction projects. He also assists with M&A transactions.

Holger Stappert zeichnet sich durch seine Exzellenz in der regulatorischen Energiewelt aus. Der Düsseldorfer wird für seine Stärke in einer Vielzahl von Mandaten geschätzt, die von REMIT-Verfahren über Gaspreisstreitigkeiten bis hin zu Energiespeicher- und Bauprojekten reichen. Er begleitet auch M&A-Transaktionen.

Angelo Vallone
Angelo Vallone
Band 3

Angelo Vallone assists with a variety of regulatory matters, ranging from power purchase agreements and district heat decoupling to proceedings regarding EEG levies and grid connections.

Angelo Vallone begleitet eine Vielzahl von regulatorischen Fragen, die von Stromabnahmeverträgen und Fernwärmeentkopplungen bis hin zu Verfahren zu EEG-Umlagen und Netzanschlüssen reichen.

Ranked Lawyers at
Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Provided by Chambers
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Energy: Regulatory

Holger Stappert
Holger Stappert
Band 1
Angelo Vallone
Angelo Vallone
Band 3


Provided by Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Björn Simon

Gerd Stuhlmacher

Gernot-Rüdiger Engel

Guido Jansen

Helmut Janssen

Holger Stappert

Holger Stappert

Head of Department

Karsten Köhler

Michael Bormann

Philipp Dietz

Sabrina Desens

Stefan Galla

Stefan Kobes

Stefan Mager

Tobias Leidinger

Ulf-Dieter Pape