Provided by Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan
Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan (L&S) has an established top tier Intellectual Property practice in India. The firm provides end-to-end services from searching, drafting, filing, prosecution and opposition, to valuation, licensing and litigation and enforcement across all intellectual property laws. Clients of L&S include several large technology companies, Indian corporations, technology start-ups. The Life Sciences team, under the Intellectual Property Rights division, consists of attorneys, and scientists holding advanced degrees from reputed institutions in India and abroad. Some of the key technical areas of specialization include Pharma, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Genetic Engineering, Plant Variety Protection, Chemistry, Medical Devices, Biodiversity laws, Oil and Gas, etc. L&S also holds the distinction of being the largest filer of PVP applications in India and one of the top PCT filing agents from India.