Chambers Review
Provided by Chambers
Provided by Juris
Operating from our offices in Reykjavík, Juris provides premium quality, full-service legal advice to international and domestic clients from a variety of sectors. Our unique team of experienced Icelandic and English corporate and commercial lawyers brings a depth of expertise in all aspects of corporate and commercial matters, including in tax, banking and finance, commercial, corporate, competition, EU law, insolvency and restructuring.
Recent work highlights
Provided by Chambers
Provided by Juris
Juris assisted Ísfélag Vestmannaeyja and Rammi with their merger under the name of Ísfélag hf., as well as its listing on the Nasdaq Main Market.
Provided by Chambers
Juris has very experienced lawyers with deep knowledge of corporate matters.
The Juris team is accurate, knowledgeable and always willing to find a solution.
Juris has very experienced lawyers with deep knowledge of corporate matters.
The Juris team is accurate, knowledgeable and always willing to find a solution.
Provided by Chambers
Simon Knight routinely handles M&A and financing mandates. He is qualified in England and Wales as well as Iceland and is particularly noted for his cross-border expertise.
Simon Knight is diligent and meticulous, with great attention to detail, and he swiftly responds to inquiries.
Finnur Magnússon is skilled at navigating the interplay between Icelandic and EU law.
Halldór Jónsson is a hard-working lawyer.
Provided by Juris
Andri Andrason
Andri Árnason
Bjarni Aðalgeirsson
Dagur Fannar Jóhannesson
Edda Andradóttir
Head of Department
Hildur Þórarinsdóttir
Hólmfríður Björk Sigurðardóttir
Ingvar Ásmundsson
Jóhannes Tómasson
Lárus Blöndal
Sigrún Magnúsdóttir
Sigurbjörn Magnússon
Sigurður Helgason
Stefán A. Svensson
Þórarinn Þorgeirsson
Provided by Juris
Bakkastakkur slhf.
Eyja Fjarfestingafélag ehf.
Gjögur hf.
HS Orka
Innviðir fjárfestingar II slhf.
Instavolt Iceland
Kristinn hf.
Kvika banki hf.
Lýsi hf.
Mjólkursamsalan ehf.
Norðurturninn hf.
Nýsköpunarsjóður atvinnulífsins (New Business Venture Fund)
Orkusalan ehf.
Primex ehf.
Rarik ehf.
Reginn hf.
RÚV ohf.
Samtök fjármálafyrirtækja (Finance Iceland)
Sikmas ehf.
Summa Rékstrarfélag hf.
Sunnuvellir slhf.
wpd international GmbH
Árvakur hf.
Ísfélag hf.
Íslandsbanki hf.
ÓJK - ÍSAM ehf.
Provided by Juris
Financial services
Food and drink producers
Mining and metals
Private clients/individuals
Real estate finance
Software and computer services
Travel and leisure