Chambers Review
Provided by Chambers
Capital Markets: Hong Kong and Overseas Issuances - China
What the Team is Known For
JunHe LLP is a prominent practice with a sizeable team of securities and corporate law practitioners, a few of whom are former members of the CSRC Listing Review & Examination Committee. It is best known for its expertise in Hong Kong and US-related offerings while attracting admirable levels of A-share listing work, with a particularly healthy roster of domestic clients in the healthcare sector and construction industry. The team remains a counsel of choice for technology sector IPOs. The firm is sought out by underwriters and issuers in respect of listings, bonds and preferred shares matters. Clients also benefit from its offices in New York and Silicon Valley.
JunHe are capable of handling both domestic and international matters and have a strong understanding of the commercial aspects of different businesses.
The team offer highly professional legal services while prioritising the protection of clients' interests. The solutions they design are both detailed and practical.
Work Highlights
JunHe advised CSI Solar on its IPO and listing on the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
JunHe acted for JP Morgan and UBS on the GDR issuance and listing of Will Semiconductor Shanghai on the SIX Swiss Exchange.
Notable practitioners
He is really hard-working and I have a lot of respect for him.
Shi Tiejun has a longstanding presence and a well-deserved reputation when it comes to bond and equity issuances, specialising in A-share listings including those on the STAR Market. He ably advises corporates on spin-off listings.
Wang Yi and his team always deliver innovative thoughts and solve legal questions with a business mindset.
Yu Yongqiang is very capable in capital markets, M&A and private equity venture capital investments.
君合律师事务所的业务表现突出,拥有庞大的证券和公司法团队, 其中多位曾担任中国证监会发行审核委员会委员。其在各类香港和美国相关发行的专业能力最为著名,同时吸引到了相当体量的A股上市业务,尤其在医疗健康行业和建设工程产业拥有发展势头良好的客户群。该团队持续成为服务科技领域IPO的律所之选。该律所在上市、 债券和优先股领域受到承销商和发行人的追捧。客户还受益于他们设在纽约和硅谷的办公室。