Provided by Hugh James
Hugh James’ specialist personal injury teams advise in a range of complex cases including catastrophic injury, clinical negligence, environmental nuisance, industrial disease, mis-sold pensions, overseas accidents, harmful products, sexual abuse and transport disasters.
We have helped thousands of people who have been either injured or developed an illness as a result of their work, including exposure to asbestos or harmful emissions. The team also has significant experience in working on industrial disease and environment group actions.
Hugh James advises significant numbers of current and former military personnel suffering with various chronic conditions including noise induced hearing loss.
Hugh James is appointed lead solicitor in group actions, on behalf of hundreds of former coke oven workers nationwide in the British Coal coke workers litigation and in the Tata Steel (formally British Steel) coke workers litigation, for cancer and respiratory claims.
The Court of Protection unit is a specialist team dedicated to dealing with the management of the property and financial affairs of those who lack the ability to deal with these themselves.
Hugh James is currently represented on the steering committees of numerous group litigation cases including Pinnacle, ASR and PIP breast implants as well leading numerous other group actions.