Provided by Hugh James
Hugh James is a top ranked firm for clinical negligence with the most recommended individuals in Wales as well as being one of the largest practices in the UK. Our lawyers are highly experienced and can provide a wide range of specialist services, representing individuals and their families who have suffered injury, illness or death as a result of negligent medical treatment.
Hugh James continues to act as the sole advisor for the Community Health Councils in Wales and enjoy the enviable position of direct referrals from other solicitors and doctors due to its significant reputation in this area.
We can advise on all aspects of a claim, which includes social services involvement, financial advice and rehabilitation. A range of qualified staff including a former midwife, nurse executives, welfare benefits advisors, medical records officers and social workers are part of the team to ensure clients have the best possible outcomes.
AVMA, the clinical negligence charity, and the Solicitors Regulatory Authority recognise us as experts in clinical negligence.
Stephen Webber, Head of the Claimant Division is also the chairman of the Society of Clinical Injury Lawyers (SCIL) which is a society that supports over 1000 clinical negligence specialist firms operating in the post Jackson era. He is leading negotiations with the Department of Health relating to fixed recoverable fees.