Provided by Huck, Otranto, Camargo Advogados
Huck Otranto Camargo Advogados has been active in this sector for over 30 years, covering the full spectrum of agribusiness issues, including litigation and advisory services. The team possesses sector-specific expertise in matters related to tax, M&A, rural land transactions, environmental issues, and restructuring, among others. We specialize in structuring complex and strategic pesticide registrations, succession planning, rural land transactions, and agribusiness operations. On the litigation front, our team represents clients in both judicial and administrative matters, including cases involving the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA).
Eduardo de Oliveira Lima
Amanda Salis Guazzelli
Thalita Duarte Henriques
Estela Monteiro Soares de Camargo
Paulo Vitor Paula Santos Zampieri
Henrique Mellão Cecchi de Oliveira
Industries & Clients
Sugar cane
Eucalyptus industries
Pesticide producers
Rural landowners We represent an impressive portfolio of clients from the Brazilian agribusiness sector, with names such as Grupo Campanário, Grupo Agroterenas, Grupo Nova América, Insolo Agroindustrial (agribusiness group with investment from Harvard University fund), Luxembourg-Pamol Inc, Arysta LifeScience and Plant Health Care