Provided by Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners
We are one of the few firms in the Indonesian market that are able to offer advice the full spectrum of project finance-related issues. Our team is adept at handling project development, financing, transactions, regulatory issues, and other key matters in the traditional energy; renewables; power; mining; and infrastructure sectors, among others. Few of our peer firms are able to field the breadth and calibre of projects & energy expertise that our team can offer, as the submission demonstrates.
Our ability to handle highly sophisticated financing structures is a notable differentiator in the market. As the submission demonstrates, we are regularly called on to handle cutting-edge and tailor-made financing structures involving conventional and Islamic financing, capital markets issuances and lease structures, as well as matters that involve Public-Private Partnerships and Private Finance Initiatives, among other matters. We note that our team has a leading track record of market firsts and innovative work – we advised on the first Coal Bed Methane project, developed the first model Geothermal PPA, worked on the first wind power IPP project in Indonesia, advised clients on the first solar power projects in Indonesia, and assisted the concessionaire of Indonesia's first mass transit rail project.