
Provided by GSK Stockmann

Shaping the future.
Backed by legal viability.

The public sector is facing major challenges because it drives and, at the same time, is being driven by social and technological changes that are shaping the mobility, energy, infrastructure and housing of tomorrow. These upheavals affect state bodies and local authorities including public sector businesses, as well as private sector businesses engaging with or supplying the public sector.

The individual requirements for legal advice to the public sector are also changing amidst many new questions about the future of cities and municipalities. Defining and responding to our clients’ brings an approach that shapes the way we do business. At GSK Stockmann, we understand what you need. That’s what we mean by: Your perspective.

We are able to draw upon our vast levels of experience in successful project delivery for our clients:

- We engage with and for the public sector on important political and commercial matters 
- We know the market and its decision makers
- We have experience in the field of politics, but we are not political
- Public authorities and companies place their trust in us
- We are facilitators and problem-solvers
- We oversee complex administrative procedures for public authorities and companies at a national and a European level
- We represent clients in litigation before all jurisdictions in Germany and other European countries

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Public Law: Planning and Environment - Germany

Band 3

What the Team is Known For

GSK Stockmann is a well-reputed German law firm with a comprehensive coverage of planning and environmental law. The team is particularly active in the construction sector, assisting with planning approval procedures for large infrastructure, energy and urban development projects. Authorities and private companies alike seek GSK Stockmann's advice, which shows its robust position in the market. The planning of industrial sites and administrative proceedings also form part of the law firm's offerings.

Notable practitioners

Jan Hennig heads the firm's planning and environment practice and is a key contact for clients.

Wofür das Team bekannt ist

GSK Stockmann ist eine renommierte deutsche Kanzlei mit einer umfassenden Abdeckung im Planungs- und Umweltrecht. Das Team ist insbesondere im Bausektor tätig und begleitet Planfeststellungsverfahren für große Infrastruktur-, Energie- und Stadtentwicklungsprojekte. Sowohl Behörden als auch private Unternehmen suchen den Rat von GSK Stockmann, der die robuste Position der Kanzlei im Markt unterstreicht. Auch die Planung von Industriestandorten und Verwaltungsverfahren gehören zum Angebot der Kanzlei.

Bemerkenswerte Praktiker

Jan Hennig leitet den Bereich Planung und Umwelt der Kanzlei und ist ein wichtiger Ansprechpartner für Mandanten.

Work Highlights

Provided by GSK Stockmann

  • GSK Stockmann advised Empira on urban planning competition, development plan procedures and the reallocation of building land for the realisation of a new urban quarter.

  • GSK Stockmann hat Empira bei städtebaulichen Wettbewerben, Bebauungsplanverfahren und der Umwidmung von Bauland zur Realisierung eines neuen Stadtquartiers beraten.


Provided by Chambers