
Provided by FTI Consulting

Our Economic Consulting business is a global leader in this field. We provide expert advice on economics, finance, valuation and accountancy, primarily in legal disputes and economic regulation. Our clients include international law firms, FTSE 100 companies, multinational corporations, governments and regulators. We help clients navigate legal, regulatory and international arbitration proceedings while supporting strategic decision-making and public policy debates around the world.

Applying the theory and principles of microeconomics and finance, we offer many types of economic and financial analyses, always approaching problems in a highly logical, structured and practical way.

We have extensive modeling experience designing and building economic and financial models for a wide range of uses and contexts. Our team of specialist econometricians offers robust and relevant econometric and statistical analysis to address a wide variety of client, policy, regulatory, and litigation issues, including predictive analytics and causation analyses. Applied capabilities include microsimulation, transfer pricing, and intellectual property.


Provided by FTI Consulting

Bruno Campana

Bryce Stephens

Cary Elliott

Ching Watson

Dan Goodwin

David Kwong

Denis Desbiez

Dr. Liberty MnCube

Emmanuel Grand

Esther Mayr

Franck Risler

Jason Shafrin

Jeff Lassen

Jeremy Nighohossian

Kerry Barwise

Kyi-Sin Than

Margaret E. Guerin-Calvert

Matt Hoelle

Michael Diodato

Michael R. Baranowski

Natalie Quinn

Nathan Zebrowski

Patrick Hébréard

Prof. Nicola Theron

Randal Heeb

Robert Kaineg

Robert Prydon

Robert Southern

Selvin Akkus-Clemens

Stephanie Majkowski

Susan H. Manning

Tara Singh

Val Rousskikh

Veronica Irastorza

Volkan Kubali


Provided by FTI Consulting


Courts and Tribunals

Government Agencies

Law Firms




Provided by FTI Consulting


Clean Energy


Electric Power,


Financial Services

Healthcare & Life Sciences

Hospitality, Gaming & Leisure


Media and Entertainment



Real Estate

Retail & Consumer Products


Transportation & Logistics