Provided by FTI Consulting
In today’s increasingly connected world, all organizations are facing risks from cyber-related threats. FTI Cybersecurity is engineered to synthesize cutting-edge, intelligence-led capabilities around a trusted core of comprehensive offerings.
We are a global leading provider of independent cyber and risk management advisory services with a core offering focused on cyber readiness, incident response, and complex investigation and litigation.
As an international company serving organizations across the globe, we build a safer future by helping businesses understand their own environments, harden their defenses, rapidly and precisely hunt threats, holistically respond to crises, and recover operations and reputation after an incident. Our team has a unique ability to include sector and industry expertise alongside our cybersecurity capabilities.
We work closely with clients to ensure their cybersecurity approach is consistent with regulatory guidance and represents best practice. We create custom, scalable solutions designed to address and combat threats proactively, while effectively and efficiently maintaining your day-to-day business operations. Working together, FTI Cybersecurity can build your organization’s cybersecurity capabilities from threat detection and incident response, to risk assessment and security awareness.