Provided by Fladgate LLP
Our substantial construction and engineering team is experienced in acting for employers, consultants, funders, contractors and subcontractors in the UK and internationally. We deal with a wide range of projects including transport and infrastructure, development projects, hotels, student accommodation, stadia, galleries, retail parks, waste, energy (including renewables) and major projects including PFI/PPP. Acting for all sides of the industry gives us a valuable insight and understanding of market positions from all sides.
We advise on construction claims of all kinds, ranging from liability for defects such as cladding and fire stopping to loss and expense claims for delay or disruption and final account claims. We also advise on professional negligence matters.
A significant part of our practice involves advising on issues during construction, such as payment, delay and incidents on site. Assistance we provide ranges from initial troubleshooting to alternative dispute resolution, including mediation. If the dispute cannot be resolved in any other way, we advise on arbitration or litigation to achieve a final result.
We have considerable experience of bringing and defending adjudications and are accustomed to resolving problems that commonly arise in the process such as jurisdictional challenges and enforcement issues. Our team includes members of the Adjudication Board of the Construction Industry Council.