
Provided by Ferrere Abogados

In Paraguay, FERRERE participates in the  largest and most complex banking and finance transactions. The team maintains a relationship with local regulators and supervisors, which allows it to anticipate problems and identify opportunities for clients, both in complex deals and in banking transactions of varying magnitude.

The Banking and Finance team has also notable experience in Capital Markets with a focus on structuring.

The team participates actively in assisting inconsumer loans, collections of future flows of funds from the sale of goods or services, , delinquent loan portfolios, taxes and real estate assets, among others. 

The Banking and Finance group assists many of the world’s major banks on their financing and financial transactions in the region.

Also, in Paraguay, FERRERE represents nearly all the multilateral credit organizations engaging in financing transactions in the region, including the Inter-American Development Bank, the Inter-American Investment Corporation, the Andean Development Corporation, and the International Finance Corporation.

Ranked Lawyers at
Ferrere Abogados

Provided by Chambers
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Banking & Finance

Carlos Codas
Carlos Codas
Band 2
Carlos Vasconsellos
Carlos Vasconsellos
Band 3


Provided by Ferrere Abogados