
Provided by CMS Wistrand

Wistrand is regularly advising international clients as well as Swedish clients on cross-border matters.

German Desk

Our German Desk provides legal advice to companies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland in their business transactions in Sweden. The areas of advice include cross-border transactions, the formation of subsidiaries or branches, all types of commercial agreements, labor law, disputes, as well as ongoing advice concerning daily business in Sweden.

Our German Desk consists of Swedish and German lawyers with many years of experience in corporate law activities regarding Germany, Switzerland and Austria. All lawyers have been educated and worked in Sweden as well as Germany.

In addition, we assist our Swedish clients in cross-border transactions, investments and other business aspects regarding the German-speaking part of the world.

Banking and Finance, and Capital Markets debt.

Wistrand also has a strong international practise within Banking and Finance, and Capital Markets debt.


Provided by CMS Wistrand

Erik Hygrell

Sascha Schaeferdiek

Ulf Forsman